A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

I wanted to make a hexagon grid world as an experiment and it evolved into this odd tower defense game, odd I know.

A tower defense game with an interesting twist! Set in the motherland (soviet Russia), strange robots have risen up, and the only ones left to defend the motherland are the soviet peasants! Its like any other tower defense game, stop the enemies reaching the goal, except enemies can attack your towers as well! Put workshops to repair your defenses, build shields to block your enemies attacks, fire stations to extinguish potentially deadly fires, and use several towers to stop your enemies in your tracks! Featuring 3 maps, each with unique enemies and a boss at the end of each level! A bit barebones for now, I might change and add stuff later, we'll see.


PowerToThePeople Windows 28 MB
PowerToThePeople Mac 37 MB

Install instructions

Windows: Upon downloading, extract the zip file you get into your desired location and play!

Mac: Just open the app.

Development log

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